Results for 'Luz Gabriela Arango'

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    Soin de l'apparence, travail émotionnel et service au client.Luz Gabriela Arango Gaviria - 2013 - Multitudes 52 (1):180.
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    Soin de l'apparence, travail émotionnel et service au client.Luz Gabriela Arango - 2013 - Multitudes 1:180-185.
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    Careful Speculations: Toward a Caring Science of Forensic Genetics in Colombia.María Fernanda Olarte-Sierra & Tania Pérez-Bustos - 2020 - Feminist Studies 46 (1):158-177.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:158 Feminist Studies 46, no. 1. © 2020 by Feminist Studies, Inc. María Fernanda Olarte-Sierra and Tania Pérez-Bustos Careful Speculations: Toward a Caring Science of Forensic Genetics in Colombia Feminist Science and Technology Studies (STS) has recently opened up the question of care as a set of practices related to the sustainability of life.1 The field of feminist studies more broadly has extensively 1. This literature mostly comes from (...)
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    (1 other version)Alternatives of Informed Consent for Storage and Use of Human Biological Material for Research Purposes: Brazilian Regulation.Gabriela Marodin, Paulo Henrique Condeixa de França, Jennifer Braathen Salgueiro, Marcia Luz da Motta, Gysélle Saddi Tannous & Anibal Gil Lopes - 2012 - Developing World Bioethics 12 (3):127-131.
    Informed consent is recognized as a primary ethical requirement to conduct research involving humans. In the investigations with the use of human biological material, informed consent (IC) assumes a differentiated condition on account of the many future possibilities. This work presents suitable alternatives for IC regarding the storage and use of human biological material in research, according to new Brazilian regulations. Both norms – Resolution 441/11 of the National Health Council, approved on 12 May 2011, and Ordinance 2.201 (NATIONAL GUIDELINES (...)
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    Impact of brain overgrowth on sensorial learning processing during the first year of life.Gabriela López-Arango, Florence Deguire, Kristian Agbogba, Marc-Antoine Boucher, Inga S. Knoth, Ramy El-Jalbout, Valérie Côté, Amélie Damphousse, Samuel Kadoury & Sarah Lippé - 2022 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 16.
    Macrocephaly is present in about 2–5% of the general population. It can be found as an isolated benign trait or as part of a syndromic condition. Brain overgrowth has been associated with neurodevelopmental disorders such as autism during the first year of life, however, evidence remains inconclusive. Furthermore, most of the studies have involved pathological or high-risk populations, but little is known about the effects of brain overgrowth on neurodevelopment in otherwise neurotypical infants. We investigated the impact of brain overgrowth (...)
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    Tonic Immobility in PTSD: Exacerbation of Emotional Cardiac Defense Response.Carlos Eduardo Norte, Eliane Volchan, Jaime Vila, Jose Luis Mata, Javier R. Arbol, Mauro Mendlowicz, William Berger, Mariana Pires Luz, Vanessa Rocha-Rego, Ivan Figueira & Gabriela Guerra Leal de Souza - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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    À Luz Do Conceito de Esfera Pública de Jünger Habermas: Uma Abordagem de Controle de Licitação Pelo Tribunal de Contas.Gabriela Oliveira Freitas, Marisa Karla Vieira Leite & Renata Apolinário de Castro Lima - 2023 - Revista Brasileira de Filosofia do Direito 8 (2):59-76.
    O presente artigo faz uma reflexão sobre a esfera pública de Jünger Habermas, como uma via de abertura para o debate em todas as dimensões. Objetiva-se apresentar neste trabalho, como o conceito de esfera pública habermasiana pode justificar a atuação do Tribunal de Contas como mecanismo de fiscalização, controle e de construção do mérito administrativo, com foco, nesta pesquisa, para a atuação administrativa nos procedimentos licitatórios. Defende-se que o Tribunal de Contas deve atuar no controle de processos licitatórios, a fim (...)
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  8. ¿ser Por Azar O Producirse Por Azar?: Una reconstrucción de algunos aspectos de la discusión de Aristóteles contra el materialismo a la luz del problema del azar.Gabriela Rossi - 2011 - Elenchos 32 (1):21-54.
    In this paper I address some aspects of the discussion of Aristotle against materialism. I take as a starting point the inaugural sentence of Phys. 2.4, where Aristotle refers to the endoxon that there are things which are (einai), and things which become or are generated (gignesthai) by chance. In the first place, I show that Aristotle would have ascribed to the materialists (especially Empedocles) the opinion that things like animals and plants can be (and not only become) by chance. (...)
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  9. La Psicología Platónica de la Acción a la luz de la relación República-Filebo.Gabriela Silva C. - 2009 - Apuntes Filosóficos 19 (34).
    La posibilidad de sentar las bases para una psicología platónica de la acción puede ser abordada desde la perspectiva de la conexión entre la doctrina del alma tripartita de República y la psicología del placer del Filebo. A la luz de dicha conexión, la noción del alma como fuente del deseo se constituye en factor determinante de nuestro carácter personal y nuestra forma de actuar, lo que hace posible construir una tipología de hombre basada en la primacía de una parte (...)
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    Línguas desatadas.Gabriela Santos Alves & Thiago Scarpat Mozer - 2025 - Logos: Comuniação e Univerisdade 31 (2).
    Este artigo discute a noção de gentrificação do queer, de Sarah Schulman (2018), tomando como corpus o documentário Línguas Desatadas (Marlon Riggs, 1989). Tem como objetivo refletir como a materialidade (autobiográfica) desta obra fílmica cria um arquivo queer-multissensorial que pode ser lido à luz do conceito de Sarah Schulman. Reúne autores dos estudos sobre sensorialidade, arquivo, cinema, queer e gentrificação. Busca contribuir com uma reflexão sobre como a noção de gentrificação do queer dialoga esteticamente com os paradigmas de invisibilidade no (...)
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    O Cosmopolitismo Kantiano: Uma Análise da Figura Do Refugiado À Luz Do Direito À Hospitalidade.Gabriela dos Santos Paixão - 2019 - Revista Brasileira de Filosofia do Direito 5 (1):17-36.
    O objetivo é apresentar, do ponto de vista filosófico, a relação existente entre o cosmopolitismo kantiano e a figura do refugiado à luz do Direito à Hospitalidade. Orienta-se pelo procedimento da pesquisa bibliográfica. Apresenta o ideal filosófico de Kant para a instituição da Paz Perpétua com ênfase no Direito Cosmopolita. Demonstra a correspondência entre Direito Cosmopolita, Direitos Humanos e Direito Natural. Analisa o refugiado sob a perspectiva filosófica. Viabiliza o diálogo entre o cosmopolitismo e o refugiado. Por fim, conclui que (...)
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    Los zulos de la inclusión: reconocimiento, resentimiento y un paso atrás.Gabriela Méndez Cota - 2024 - Revista de Filosofía (México) 56 (157):148-189.
    Este ensayo relaciona, por una parte, el pensamiento inclusivo con la cuestión moral del reconocimiento y, por otra, con el problema existencial del resentimiento y la técnica en la globalización híper-industrial. Se contrastan e integran perspectivas como las de Anne Phillips, Axel Honneth, María Pía Lara, Bernard Stiegler y Cynthia Fleury, para argumentar que los desarrollos tecnoeconómicos y sociales de la última década obligan a recuperar el problema del reconocimiento, para replantearlo por fuera de una racionalidad normativa, esto es, a (...)
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    Sobre Placer- Dolor y otros opuestos en el Fedón de Platón.Maria Gabriela Casnati - 2023 - Páginas de Filosofía (Universidad Nacional del Comahue) 24 (27):104-126.
    El _Fedón_ de Platón puede ser abordado tomando como eje la cuestión de los opuestos, que lo recorre en toda su extensión. En el presente trabajo nos enfocaremos en la referencia al placer y al dolor con la que Sócrates abre su participación en la obra, así como también en el primer argumento dedicado justamente al carácter cíclico de los opuestos. Examinaremos la amplia gama de ejemplos cualitativamente diferentes de contrarios que Platón ofrece y cómo esas diferencias repercuten en el (...)
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    Influencia del proceso de codificación del derecho penal de la ilustración europea, en la República de la Nueva Granada.Alejandro Tascón Montoya, Gloria Lucía Arango Pajón & Julián Esteban Beltrán Echeverri - 2020 - Ratio Juris 15 (30).
    El lector se encontrará en el presente trabajo con dos capítulos en los cuales se aborda de manera clara e histórica el proceso de codificación europea en el periodo del iluminismo o siglo de las luces, sobre todo en lo que tiene que ver con la codificación en materia de Derecho Penal, en el segundo capítulo se aborda esa influencia del proceso de codificación europeo en el proceso de codificación en América Latina, haciendo énfasis en el impacto de dicho proceso (...)
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    A educação de superdotados na educação matemática crítica.Heloísa Gabriela Paterno, Kauane Ferrari Luiz, Larissa Hang & Paula Civiero - 2023 - Prometeica - Revista De Filosofía Y Ciencias 27:731-740.
    O presente artigo deriva de uma pesquisa qualitativa de cunho propositivo que busca levantar questões relacionadas à diferenciação e os atendimentos voltados para estudantes com Altas Habilidades ou Superdotação, à luz da educação matemática crítica. Para tal, é necessário compreender a definição, características, dificuldades e necessidades educacionais dos educandos com altas habilidades. Dentre estas necessidades estão o estímulo intelectual, o contato com pares, menos tempo em espera e desafios à altura de seu nível cognitivo, fatores que implicam na premência da (...)
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    Contraste de la frecuencia de salida del hogar ante la pandemia por COVID-19.Andrea Egas, Carmen Elena Santander, Marcelo Salazar & Alejandro Grijalva - 2020 - Minerva 1 (2):40-45.
    En el siguiente estudio se evalúa un panorama con respecto al comportamiento sociológico en un preámbulo tanto antes durante y después de esta crisis social que se está viviendo debido a la pandemia de hoy en día. Por ello para sustentar dicha investigación se realizó un censo en el cuál, mediante el uso de herramientas estadísticas, se pudo realizar una comparación entre un antes y un durante de la pandemia, lo cual facilitaría intrínsicamente a la predicción de una denominada post (...)
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    Modelo de capacitación y costeo basado en competencias para el personal administrativo de la universidad.Olga Lucía Hurtado Castaño, Luz Stella Montoya Alzate, Q. Osorio & Luz Dary - forthcoming - Scientia.
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    (1 other version)Corrigendum: The Neurosciences of Health Communication: An fNIRS Analysis of Prefrontal Cortex and Porn Consumption in Young Women for the Development of Prevention Health Programs.Ubaldo Cuesta, Jose Ignacio Niño, Luz Martinez & Borja Paredes - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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    Quando o mundo se movimenta o vivo estremece: narrativas de uma cartógrafa em seu encontro com um coletivo hospitalar.Simone Mainieri Paulon, Débora de Moraes Coelho & Fernanda Luz Beck - 2010 - Revista Aletheia 32:161-173.
    A partir de um personagem conceitual, a cartógrafa, as autoras descrevem e analisam os encontros promovidos por uma intervenção institucional realizada com a equipe de trabalhadores da Emergência de um hospital de grande porte de Porto Alegre. Utilizando o conceito de atenção ao presente, a interven..
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  20. Introducción a la calidad de software.Ana Maria L. Pez Echeverry, Cesar Cabrera & Luz Estela Valencia Ayala - 2008 - Scientia 14.
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  21. Św. Tomasz z Akwinu, Summa Teologii - Traktat o Bogu.Zbigniew Nerczuk, Stefan Swieżawski, Mikołaj Olszewski & Gabriela Kurylewicz - 1995 - Principia 13:15-35.
    This is the translation of the Quaestio I "De sacra doctrina, qualis sit, et ad quae se extendat"" of Thomas Aquinas' "Summa Theologiae".
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    Cuidado de personas dependientes. ¿Puede realizarlo un robot?Jose Miguel Mohedano Martínez, Luis Moreno Almonacid, Mary Luz Mouronte & Susana Bautista Blasco - 2021 - Relectiones 9:170-186.
    El cuidado de personas dependientes ha sido algo propio y radical del ser humano desde sus orígenes y raramente se plantea un escenario donde la persona que ejerce los cuidados fuere sustituida por un ente cibernético dotado de funcionalidades e inteligencia artificial suficiente como para llevar a cabo dicha labor. Este punto de partida nos ofrece la oportunidad para profundizar en la esencia del sentido del cuidado y la relación que subyace entre la persona que cuida y la persona que (...)
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  23. Two Levels of Metacognition.Santiago Arango-Muñoz - 2011 - Philosophia 39 (1):71-82.
    Two main theories about metacognition are reviewed, each of which claims to provide a better explanation of this phenomenon, while discrediting the other theory as inappropriate. The paper claims that in order to do justice to the complex phenomenon of metacognition, we must distinguish two levels of this capacity—each having a different structure, a different content and a different function within the cognitive architecture. It will be shown that each of the reviewed theories has been trying to explain only one (...)
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  24. Importancia Del conocimiento específico de Los docentes sobre el tda/hy su manejo en el aula de clase.Doris Omaira Sánchez Álvarez, Diana María Duque Hurtado, Magda Luz Manco Santamaría & Alvaro Diego Pareja Molina - 2011 - Revista Aletheia 3 (1).
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    Bibliografía Ibérica Sobre Merleau-Ponty.Luís António Umbelino & M. A. Luz Pintos-Peñaranda - 2009 - Phainomenon 18-19 (1):239-254.
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    Cómo influyen los factores de motivación en la satisfacción de los empleados dentro de una organización.Sandra Estrada Mejía, Luz Stella Restrepo de Ocampo & Claudia Patricia Roncancio Restrepo - forthcoming - Scientia.
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  27. La acción docente y la construcción del conocimiento.Petra Lúquez, Luz Maritza Reyes de Suárez & Idania Sansevero de Suárez - 2002 - Telos: Critical Theory of the Contemporary 1 (6):43-54.
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  28. O que nós conhecemos? Ensaios de epistemologia individual e social.Felipe de Matos Müller & Alexandre Meyer Luz (eds.) - 2015 - Porto Alegre, RS, Brasil: Editora Fi; EDIPUCRS.
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    Diseño y construcción de un adipómetro digital.G. Nieto, Carlos Eduardo, Luz Estela Valencia Ayala & Paula Andréa Villa Sánchez - forthcoming - Scientia.
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    Pruning and repopulating a lexical taxonomy: experiments in Spanish, English and French.Irene Renau, Rafael Marín, Gabriela Ferraro, Antonio Balvet & Rogelio Nazar - 2020 - Journal of Intelligent Systems 30 (1):376-394.
    In this paper we present the problem of a noisy lexical taxonomy and suggest two tasks as potential remedies. The first task is to identify and eliminate incorrect hypernymy links, and the second is to repopulate the taxonomy with new relations. The first task consists of revising the entire taxonomy and returning a Boolean for each assertion of hypernymy between two nouns (e.g. brie is a kind of cheese). The second task consists of recursively producing a chain of hypernyms for (...)
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  31. Epistemic Feelings and Epistemic Emotions (Focus Section).Santiago Arango-Muñoz & Kourken Michaelian - 2014 - Philosophical Inquiries 2 (1):97-122.
    Philosophers of mind and epistemologists are increasingly making room in their theories for epistemic emotions (E-emotions) and, drawing on metacognition research in psychology, epistemic – or noetic or metacognitive – feelings (E-feelings). Since philoso- phers have only recently begun to draw on empirical research on E-feelings, in particular, we begin by providing a general characterization of E-feelings (section 1) and reviewing some highlights of relevant research (section 2). We then turn to philosophical work on E-feelings and E-emotions, situating the contributions (...)
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  32. Remembering as a mental action.Santiago Arango-Munoz & Juan Pablo Bermúdez - 2018 - In Kourken Michaelian, Dorothea Debus & Denis Perrin, New Directions in the Philosophy of Memory. New York: Routledge. pp. 75-96.
    Many philosophers consider that memory is just a passive information retention and retrieval capacity. Some information and experiences are encoded, stored, and subsequently retrieved in a passive way, without any control or intervention on the subject’s part. In this paper, we will defend an active account of memory according to which remembering is a mental action and not merely a passive mental event. According to the reconstructive account, memory is an imaginative reconstruction of past experience. A key feature of the (...)
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  33. Cognitive phenomenology and metacognitive feelings.Santiago Arango-Muñoz - 2018 - Mind and Language 34 (2):247-262.
    The cognitive phenomenology thesis claims that “there is something it is like” to have cognitive states such as believ- ing, desiring, hoping, attending, and so on. In support of this idea, Goldman claimed that the tip-of-the-tongue phe- nomenon can be considered as a clear-cut instance of non- sensory cognitive phenomenology. This paper reviews Goldman's proposal and assesses whether the tip-of-the- tongue and other metacognitive feelings actually constitute an instance of cognitive phenomenology. The paper will show that psychological data cast doubt (...)
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  34. Intentional mind-wandering as intentional omission: the surrealist method.Santiago Arango-Muñoz & Juan Pablo Bermúdez - 2021 - Synthese 199 (3-4):7727-7748.
    Mind-wandering seems to be paradigmatically unintentional. However, experimental findings have yielded the paradoxical result that mind-wandering can also be intentional. In this paper, we first present the paradox of intentional mind-wandering and then explain intentional mind-wandering as the intentional omission to control one’s own thoughts. Finally, we present the surrealist method for artistic production to illustrate how intentional omission of control over thoughts can be deployed towards creative endeavors.
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  35. Descartes según el orden de los problemas.Iván Darío Arango - 1991 - Estudios de Filosofía (Universidad de Antioquia) 4:11-24.
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  36. El dogma de Quine.P. Arango - 2005 - Discusiones Filosóficas 6 (9).
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    Gobernación de Risaralda y Universidad Tecnológica de Pereira unidas para fortalecer la metrología regional.Carlos Arturo Botero Arango, Jaime Osorio Guzmán & Carlos Andrés Botero Girón - forthcoming - Scientia.
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    Propuestas legislativas para una mejor regulación de la diversidad religiosa en España.Fernando Amérigo Cuervo-Arango - 2024 - 'Ilu. Revista de Ciencias de Las Religiones 29:e95457.
    Los diferentes estudios sociológicos contemporáneos en materia de religiosidad en España nos muestran una sociedad plural y diversa, característica propia de las sociedades postseculares es, como es bien conocido, la pluralidad. El actual pluralismo religioso de la sociedad española, que nadie discute, está muy alejado de la homogeneidad católica mayoritaria de 1980. Año en el que se aprobó la Ley Orgánica de Libertad Religiosa, que es el instrumento esencial del desarrollo constitucional de la libertad religiosa y de gestión de la (...)
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    Long-Term Mating Orientation in Men: The Role of Socioeconomic Status, Protection Skills, and Parenthood Disposition.Gabriela Fajardo, Pablo Polo, José Antonio Muñoz-Reyes & Carlos Rodríguez-Sickert - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    From an evolutionary perspective, phenotypic, social, and environmental factors help to shape the different costs and benefits of pursuing different reproductive strategies from one individual to another. Since men’s reproductive success is mainly constrained to women’s availability, their mating orientations should be partially calibrated by features that women prefer in a potential partner. For long-term relationships, women prefer traits that signal access to resources, protection skills, and the willingness to share them. Using generalized linear models with laboratory data taken from (...)
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  40. How to teach political sciences better?Gabriela Gregušová - 2005 - In André-Paul Frognier & Irina Kolotouchkina, EpsNet Kiosk Plus.
  41. A subtradição Seridó de pintura rupestre pré-histórica do Brasil.Gabriela Martin - 1989 - Clio: A Journal of Literature, History, and the Philosophy of History 5:19-26.
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    Rational justification of moral imperatives.Alejandro Patiño Arango - 2010 - Discusiones Filosóficas 11:81-98.
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    Antropología paradójica: cerebro reptil y mentiras útiles.Julián Serna Arango - 2016 - Barcelona: Anthropos.
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    Filosofía, literatura y giro lingüístico: una nueva síntesis.Julián Serna Arango - 2004 - Bogotá: Siglo del Hombre Editores.
  45. Teoría del recorte del mundo en occidente.Julián Serna Arango - 1994 - Pereira, Colombia: [S.N.].
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  46. Metacognitive feelings, self-ascriptions and metal actions.Santiago Arango-Muñoz - 2014 - Philosophical Inquiries 2 (1):145-162.
    The main aim of this paper is to clarify the relation between epistemic feel- ings, mental action, and self-ascription. Acting mentally and/or thinking about one’s mental states are two possible outcomes of epistemic or metacognitive feelings. Our men- tal actions are often guided by our E-feelings, such as when we check what we just saw based on a feeling of visual uncertainty; but thought about our own perceptual states and capacities can also be triggered by the same E-feelings. The first (...)
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  47. From sensorimotor dependencies to perceptual practices: making enactivism social.Alejandro Arango - 2018 - Adaptive Behavior 27 (1):31-45.
    Proponents of enactivism should be interested in exploring what notion of action best captures the type of action-perception link that the view proposes, such that it covers all the aspects in which our doings constitute and are constituted by our perceiving. This article proposes and defends the thesis that the notion of sensorimotor dependencies is insufficient to account for the reality of human perception, and that the central enactive notion should be that of perceptual practices. Sensorimotor enactivism is insufficient because (...)
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  48. Husserl's Concept of Position-Taking and Second Nature.Alejandro Arango - 2014 - Phenomenology and Mind 6:168-176.
    I argue that Husserl’s concept of position-taking, Stellungnahme, is adequate to understand the idea of second nature as an issue of philosophical anthropology. I claim that the methodological focus must be the living subject that acts and lives among others, and that the notion of second nature must respond to precisely this fundamental active character of subjectivity. The appropriate concept should satisfy two additional desiderata. First, it should be able to develop alongside the biological, psychological, and social individual development. Second, (...)
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  49. From Collective Memory ... to Collective Metamemory?Santiago Arango-Munoz & Kourken Michaelian - 2020 - In Anika Fiebich, Minimal Cooperation and Shared Agency. Studies in the Philosophy of Sociality, vol 11. pp. 195-217.
    Ouraiminthischapteristodelineatetheformofsharedagencythatwe take to be manifested in collective memory. We argue for two theses. First, we argue that, given a relatively weak conception of episodicity, certain small-scale groups display a form of emergent (i.e., genuinely collective) episodic memory, while large-scale groups, in contrast, do not display emergent episodic memory. Second, we argue that this form of emergent memory presupposes (high-level and possibly low-level) metamemorial capacities, capacities that are, however, not themselves emergent group-level features but rather strictly individual-level features. The form of (...)
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    Pleasure, Virtue, Externals, and Happiness in Plato's "Laws".Gabriela Roxana Carone - 2002 - History of Philosophy Quarterly 19 (4):327 - 344.
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